What is my Latitude and Longitude?


This is a special Map Marker - you can DRAG it!

Latitude:   Longitude:   (decimal format)


There are two ways to find your Latitude and Longitude.

Method 1: Search for Address

Enter the address in the box and click on the "Locate Address" button. If found, the location of your address will appear on the map. Use the full address, avoid abbreviations, and do not include descriptive directions. It may not be possible to recognise your address in some locations.

Enter an Address to Search

Follow steps three to five in Method 2 below and zoom in as far as possible until you have obtained building-level accuracy.

The latitude and longitude coordinates will be displayed in the boxes below the map. Achieve building-level accuracy where possible with at least six decimal places.

Method 2: Drag and Drop the Map Marker

Using the map controls, zoom the map out far enough so that it covers your location.

Left click on the map marker, hold the mouse button down, drag the marker to your location and release the mouse button which will drop the marker.

Drag the map canvas until the marker is in the center of the map. Zoom in.

Following the instructions in step two, move the marker closer to your actual location as it becomes visible on the more detailed map.

Repeat steps three and four until you have zoomed in as far as the map will allow. Use the satellite view where necessary (if available) to obtain building-level accuracy. Also use the satellite view in rural areas where the ordinary map view does not offer sufficient accuracy.

The latitude and longitude coordinates will be displayed in the boxes below the map. If you are sending us the coordinates, we want building-level accuracy (where possible) with at least six decimal places.

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